Saturday, January 28, 2012

Psalm 62:1-2

when I was younger I wrote by this passage "God ALONE and NO ONE or thing else"

my soul finds rest in God alone.

he alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, i will never be shaken.

you alone, Lord, are what satisfies me. you alone are who gives me rest and peace and joy to complete.

with you, I will never be shaken.

thank you, God. I love you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Matthew 6:25-34

do not worry.

i used to be so good at not worrying. before anything actually bad happened in my life, when life was simple, it seemed so much easier not to worry. i was full of faith in the goodness of God, and how much he wanted good for my life.

i'm so great at that anymore. i know around the time it went array, and i want to change. i want to be full of faith once again, and trust your goodness Lord!

i knew bad things happened in life before, but it wasn't "real" to me. it's more real now. but i have to realize that it doesn't change the goodness of God, it doesn't change his provision and love for me, as his child.

it doesn't change his good plan for me life. it doesn't change his plan to give me hope and a future. it doesn't change his plan to bless me, indeed. it doesn't change the fact that by his stripes, i was healed. 

i tend to assume the worst, i imagine the worst instead of the best. fear and faith are the same thing, but on different spectrums. why should i go with fear and doubt instead of faith and hope?

Lord, right now as best as i know how, as honest as i can manage, i chose faith. i chose to live my life in faith. no matter the circumstance, i chose faith, i chose hope. help me. i chose to believe you, your goodness, your love. 

faith, and not fear.

Holy Spirit, help my unbelief.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jeremiah 6:16

we certainly are at a crossroads. literally. we're not sure what to do.
we don't want to hurt anybody, we don't want to be foolish. we don't want anyone to think less of us. we don't want to abandon anyone. we don't want to give up on it. but it seems like it may not be for us.

"stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls"

Lord, I want to take that as a word from you for us.  it seems so fitting.  Lord, I ask you for the ancient paths. Lord, where is the good way?? where is the good way? we long to take the ancient path, the good way. please, God, show us the good way. make it so evident to us, let us have peace with it and with everyone involved. 

and we WILL walk in it. Lord, I will walk in it even if it's not what I right now want it to be. I will walk in it with my whole heart, because there will be rest for our souls.

guide us, Lord. Please, make it so evident to us! speak to us in a way we will really understand, a way that we know it's from you. open our ears to hear what you're saying to us. speak to us, Lord, we ask for the ancient paths, we ask you, where is the good way?

we will walk in it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Psalms 138:2


i haven't been to this blog enough. perhaps it should become on online journal of some sort, rather than just remembrance.

this morning my Bible was opened to Psalms 138/139.

'when i called you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted'

that still speaks to me, and i still wish to be bold and stouthearted. my heart says, yes, when i call on you, you really answer me. you will make me bold and stouthearted when i need to be. i'm drawn to the word stouthearted. what does it mean exactly?

stouthearted: brave and resolute; dauntless.

resolute. dauntless.

lord, help me to be dauntless, to be stouthearted. as we prepare to expand our family, during labor, during the whole pregnancy, may i be this person, may i be a stouthearted, brave and resolute woman of God.

i want you, lord. i need you. may your resolute love and faith raise up inside of me, change me, form me from the inside out. change me heart, oh God, make it ever true. you are so worthy.