Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Psalms 138:2


i haven't been to this blog enough. perhaps it should become on online journal of some sort, rather than just remembrance.

this morning my Bible was opened to Psalms 138/139.

'when i called you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted'

that still speaks to me, and i still wish to be bold and stouthearted. my heart says, yes, when i call on you, you really answer me. you will make me bold and stouthearted when i need to be. i'm drawn to the word stouthearted. what does it mean exactly?

stouthearted: brave and resolute; dauntless.

resolute. dauntless.

lord, help me to be dauntless, to be stouthearted. as we prepare to expand our family, during labor, during the whole pregnancy, may i be this person, may i be a stouthearted, brave and resolute woman of God.

i want you, lord. i need you. may your resolute love and faith raise up inside of me, change me, form me from the inside out. change me heart, oh God, make it ever true. you are so worthy.


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