Thursday, November 17, 2011

Matthew 11:28-30

this is a verse that i used to so passionately attribute to others. it was something i so much wanted others around me who were hurting in life to experience. i believed with my very being that he could be their hope.
i wholeheartedly felt that those words were so very real and so very true.

because my burden was already light. i didn't realize just how much, but i grew up so blessed. my parents were together and always loved me. i had a sister who was a best friend. a best friend who was just like a sister. a group of friends that were a really good influence.

but life has a way. 

weariness will show its face. burdens will hard weigh down. and then it's not as easy to so clearly and wholeheartedly believe it's true.

but i come.

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