Friday, November 18, 2011

2 Samuel 23:9-10

keep swinging.

it's hard to believe it was almost 10 years ago already. i was at camp, i remember the speaker and everything. the message awakened fervor inside of me. i will fight.

when "the men of Israel retreated", "he stood his ground" and kept swinging. his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. he kept swinging.

a story of an incredible fight under the heading of "David's Mighty Men". i couldn't imagine such a fight. an impossible fight. being so tired and numb that his hand froze to the sword. everyone else left. everyone else gave up, retreated. except one.
my heart came alive. i could be mighty for God. i would stay. i would not retreat. i would do whatever God wanted. he would find me fighting, no matter what. i would keep swinging.

the ending?

"the Lord brought about a great victory that day."

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